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If you purchase the InnoScreen COVID-19 Antigen Rapid test kit you need to meet the criteria set out by the TGA, namely "Conditions specific to COVID-19 rapid antigen point-of-care tests". This criteria is:

  1. The person in whose name the device is included in the Register (the sponsor) may only supply the device to one or more of the following:
    1. a laboratory that is an accredited pathology laboratory within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973;
    2. a medical practitioner who is registered under a law of a state or territory to practice medicine, a person registered under a law of a state or territory to practice paramedicine (a paramedic), or an organisation, business or institution that employs or engages a medical practitioner or a paramedic, where the medical practitioner or the paramedic is responsible for performing or supervising the performance of the test, and both the medical practitioner and the paramedic (and any person acting under their supervision to perform the test) have received training in the correct use of the device and the interpretation of the test result;
    3. a residential care or aged care facility that employs or engages a paramedic (as defined above) or a health practitioner within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, where the paramedic or the health practitioner is responsible for performing or supervising the performance of the test, and both the paramedic and the health practitioner (and any person acting under their supervision to perform the test) have received training in the correct use of the device and the interpretation of the test result;
    4. an organisation, business or institution that does not have the primary function of providing healthcare services but employs or engages a paramedic (as defined above) or a health practitioner within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, where the paramedic or the heath practitioner is responsible for performing or supervising the performance of the test, and both the paramedic and the health practitioner (and any person acting under their supervision to perform the test) have received training in the correct use of the device and the interpretation of the test result;
    5. a department of the Commonwealth, state or territory, with responsibility for health, or a department or other agency of the Commonwealth, state or territory acting on its behalf.

As an ongoing effort to streamline the use of the rapid tests and to ensure the kits are performed in accordance with the guidelines set by TGA, we need to ensure that the you understand how to perform the tests proficiently and are trained sufficiently.

We therefore have a link to our tutorial and the brochures provided by Innovation Scientific. Please watch the tutorial and familiarise yourself with the product before using the test kits.

Please call Siobhan from AusHealth on 0407 720 368 for further training or any questions you may have. Our technical team is there if you need advice or further training or support. On completing the training, please fill out the online form below and submit it for our records.

Video Tutorial


Mandatory eligibility criteria